The weather was on my side as I took the Caplan family portrait on the beach of Vetnor, N.J. This portrait consisted of eight adults, four children, and a baby. It was a challenge getting everyone looking at the camera, but I think I pulled it off and made some very nice images. I have only done a quick edit at this time, but I'm pleased.

What I'm not pleased about was the performance of the SB-800's in daylight. Many times the the two SB-800's that were off to the side did not fire, despite only being about six feet away with the sensor aimed right at the master flash on the camera. This will require more testing. When the flashes did fire, the results were well exposed.
I shot the portrait with a Nikon D2H, white balance=cloudy, NEF and JPEG fine, ISO=200. I look forward to sharing a few of the results with you and of course with the Caplans.
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